Sub-theme II.2.1 SMEs business model sof the Regional Operational Programme for the Łódzkie Region 2014-2020.
TITLE: Outlining a new business model for Epufloor Sp. o.o.
The goal of the project is to obtain valuable documentation created as part of the consulting service related to the development of a new business model. In the long-term, the document will allow the implementation of the business model, increase in sales revenues, as well as limiting the seasonality of revenues, moreover, the presence of products offered on new markets where export activity has not been carried out so far.
Project value: PLN 86 100.00
EU funding: PLN 35,000.00
The goal of the project is to implement a new business model of the company. In the long-term, the implemented project will allow to increase in sales revenues as well as limited seasonality of revenues, the presence of products offered on new markets where export activity has not been carried out so far.
Project value: PLN 185 618,00
EU funding: PLN 141 939,80
Sub-theme II.2.1 R&D projects for SMEs of the Regional Operational Programme for the Łódzkie Region 2014-2020
TITLE: Research and development works aimed at developing a new type soundproofing floor
The aim of the project is to develop an effective and easy to use (error-free, easy to assemble) technical solution, increasing the insulation of ceilings from impact sounds, especially from weights falling on the floor and providing protection of the surface layer from damage, as well as ensuring safety by limiting the height reflections of falling weight. The project will cover both industrial research and development work leading to the achievement of the assumed goal. As part of the project, it is planned to use the services of subcontractors, to carry out R&D (Silesian University of Technology), as well as works necessary to carry out R&D works, ie. cutting services for purchased research materials, as well as test installation services for conducting research and then its utilization.
Project value: PLN 587 280.74
EU funding: PLN 375 653.03